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Adult Ministries

Adult Minitires

Our Adult Ministries exists to encourage men and women in their relentless pursuit of God as they connect through Bible study, their community, and to one another.

Life Groups


Sundays • 11am


Traditionally known as Sunday School, our Sunday morning Bible study for adults at SFBC is all about life transformation…LIFE Groups!


As we study the Bible, our minds are informed through the teaching of God’s Word, our hearts are transformed into the character of God’s ways, and through application our lives are conformed to His image.


We have Life Groups for all age groups available. Be sure to ask at our Welcome Desk in the Fellowship Hall to hear which group may fit you best.

Senior Adults



We believe that growing older does not mean that we should become less active in our Lord’s ministry, but rather we should find the place of service that God has for us where we can use our knowledge and experience.

Be on the look out for upcoming Senior Adult opportunities in the future!

Worship Choir



6:30pm - 7:30pm


The Worship Choir is a vital element in the blended worship services at SFBC. This group presents specials in a wide variety of styles and assists in leading congregational singing. 

Women's Ministry


Women sharpening women to pursue their God-given purpose, to grow in their relationship with the Lord, and with one another.

Our Ministry focuses on 3 core areas:


  • Discipleship – Growth Spiritual


  • Fellowship – Growth in Community


  • Ministry – Growth in Outreach

Student Ministries

Student Ministry

The teenage years mark a transitional time for everyone. It is important for young people to find a space where they can be known, ask questions, and develop a vibrant faith. The mission of SFBC Student Ministry is to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and disciple students into becoming more like Christ.

Youth Group



6pm - 8pm


This is our weekly mid-week gathering for students 6th-12th grade. Students will spend the first part of the evening playing some large-group games followed by a teaching time and small group Bible studies divided by age and gender.

Life Group


Sundays • 11am


We offer life group classes for both middle school students
(7-8th grade) and high school students (9-12th grade). During these Sunday morning classes students can expect lively discussion, fun, and foundational Bible teaching.

Special Events

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Sometimes we just want to gather together and have fun! Each month we will have one or two special events that students can invite their friends to. You can find more information in the event calendar.


We deeply care about the security and safety of of our students, and that is why all adults who work with minors at SFBC are carefully selected and screened by our church and Youth Pastor. All adults working with minors must undergo a background check and safety training before being cleared to work with minors.


Our youth leadership team are an exceptional group of adults who love working with students! Their heart is to invest and disciple this next generation of 6th-12th grade students.


Youth Happenings

Children's Ministries

Children's Ministry

SFBC children’s ministry is focused on forming a partnership with parents and families to help children (infants through 5th grade) glorify God and grow to their full potential in Christ as they prepare for a lifelong journey with Jesus


What to expect on your first visit


Upon arrival at the children’s area, we will gather some basic information as you check-in at the welcome desk so we can provide a secure drop-off and pick up for your child. 


Safety and security of the children is a top priority at SFBC. These are some of the precautions we have taken to assure that they remain safe and secure while they are in our care:


  • Each child receives a name tag after checking in with a unique code that will correspond to the parents’ pick-up tag. The parent picking up, must have access to this code.


  • The children’s area will be locked during services. We ask only parents picking up or dropping off to minimize the in and out traffic.


  • All volunteers are members of SFBC, are background checked and complete a security training before being able to work with the children.

Children's Church


Sundays • 9:30am

Elementary aged students check in the Children’s Wing and then attend worship with their family until they are dismissed for Children’s Church.

 Preschoolers’ meeting time will include a Bible story and activity as well as time for a simple snack and drink.


Four times a year, when there is a fifth Sunday of the month, there will not be children’s church (Kindergarten through 3rd grade) allowing our families to enjoy the worship service together.

Life Groups


Sundays • 11am


Life Group classes are divided by age appropriate groups as each class dives into God’s Word by learning Bible stories, verses and activities.

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 6:30 pm - 8pm


K-5th Grade




Bible Study

Small Group


Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Part of learning to be a Christ-follower is doing acts of service. Seminole First Baptist Church is very involved in community outreach projects, partnering with mission endeavors in our area to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

ESL Classes

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Tuesday 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Thursday  6:30pm - 9:30pm


This ministry is dedicated to helping those new to our country learn the English language. Our dynamic and caring teachers are trained to provide effective and meaningful English language experiences to all people, regardless of faith, race, creed or belief.


For the last 25 years, we have helped English Language learners from Asia, Europe, Central and South America enhance their interpersonal skills & assimilate into American society through the learning of conversational, colloquial & formal written English. Many students have become our friends and American citizens.

The classes are fun, the teachers are wonderful and it’s all FREE!


Come learn English with us from September to May!!

International Missions

International Missons

The Great Commission is so much more than a lifestyle command. It’s a summons to join God on his mission to redeem a people from every single tribe and language and people and nation (Rev 5:9).



Our students and adults take annual mission trips across the US and the globe to impact the world with God’s love and the good news of Jesus Christ.



As part of the Southern Baptist Convention, we participate in the Cooperative Program along with 47,000 other church bodies across our nation. Our collective giving supports nearly 9000 missionaries in North America and internationally.


We also give annually to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering to support 3700

IMB SBC missionaries take the gospel to the nations.



Seminole First Baptist Church also has a proud tradition of sending full-time missionaries to the nations through the IMB.

SFBC members William and Heidi Haun currently serve in the West African country of Ghana.


You can learn more about their ministry at

Christmas Child

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Seminole First Baptist Church is excited to participate in Operation Christmas Child each year. Here are some important dates and ways you can participate throughout the year.



We will be collection cups, bowls, silverware, fishing kits and flashlights



We will be collecting toys and games (puzzles, stuffed animals, balls, dolls, craft kits, coloring books)



We will be collecting miscellaneous items (small flashlights, hammers, screwdrivers, nails, screws, fishing kits, sewing kits, cups, bowls, water bottles)



Packing Party


These are just suggestions; we will take donations of any items at any time.

Thompson Ministry   Vanuatu


The Thompson's are currently working alongside Word of Life International Ministries as they enter the county of Vanuatu for the first time.  This country has been on the hearts of the Thompson's and they are excited to see God bringing the impossible to fruition.


We are stepping out on faith that God will prepare us and equip us to lead this ministry well and supply our every need.  The youth of Vanuatu need to know the excitement and joy of trusting in Christ and we are excited to bring this life changing message to the many islands of this nation.  


We ask that you pray for us through the unknowns and uncertainties of this journey.  God is truly good, and it is an indescribable joy to follow him!

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